Building Applications With Python

[Python Programming Training]

Python was recently voted as one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world by Stack Overflow. It is versatile, easy to learn and easy to compile. It is also one of the easiest programming language to learn for absolute beginners into the world of programming as it code appear very much like plain English.

It has also become very attractive to companies because of its versatility and fewer lines of programming code, making it easier to use to develop and deploy applications within a short time. Python can be used to develop both web and desktop applications. However, our focus will be building applications in order not to complicate, overload and bore participants. It is also ideal for data analysis and management, gaming, artificial intelligence and scientific computing. Exciting and financially rewarding career opportunities abound in the industry for those skilled in python.

The python training program will be based on our uniquely designed Learn-Build-Earn Methodology which ensures that participants are only certified proficient upon developing a saleable project solution for a corporate partner.

Note: if you seek to learn how to build web based applications, kindly refer to our Web Development Professional Program by Clicking Here and upon completion, you can then round up with CGI programming at an additional cost.

*Learn the basis of coding from scratch to the very advance

*Design, develop, and deploy engaging, creative, fully-functional applications using Python 

*Explore the use of libraries and frameworks like Tkinter,Wkpython, Pyqt, Tago, Ironpython and more

*Learn to Program the right way using Muti-Programming and Application Development

*Learn how to use Database Management system with python

*Acquire the core skills required to code for major clients and companies

*Build a salable application for immediate sale to boost your resume

*Module 1:
Introduction to Python and Python Programming (Intro to Computing and Computational Overview, Installation and Environmental Setup, Python Overview, Interactive Python programming, Interactive Python programming, Buzzwords and Jargons, Algorithms and Its Visualization, and more)

*Module 2:
Basic python syntax and Semantics (Built-in Types and Methods, Data Structures and Python Type Casting, Operators, Statements and Syntax, Variable naming format, Python Coding Controls, Python Thinking and Algorithm Development, Scripting Vs Coding Vs programming and more)

*Module 3:
Multi-Programming in Python (Object-Oriented Programming, Functional and Modularised Programming, UML Diagramming, namespaces and Modules in python and more)

*Module 4:
User Application Interfacing and Program Development

*Module 5:
Database Programming with Python

*Module 6:
CGI Programming (Web Development Professional Program prerequisite with Additional Cost)

*Module 7:
Network Programming (Cisco Networking Intern Program prerequisite with additional Cost)
Regular Session - N150,000 (Two equal installments)
One-On-One Session - (Attracts Additional Cost)

* Weekday - 16 weeks (Two Sessions Per Week)

* Weekend - 20 weeks (Saturdays Only - More Hours Per Session)

* Installation Kit
* Comprehensive Study Text
* Lesson Notes Per Session
* Certificate Of Program Completion
* Attestation of Proficiency In Python Programming
* Weekend - Saturday, December 14th
* Weekday - Monday, December 16th

To register, request for a free brochure by filling the form on the right side of the page and select  Building Applications With Python. For more enquiry, call 08061597138 or 08058082048 or send an email to

Lagos Center Only: Deft-Rains Solutions Nigeria, 143 Ojuelegba Road by Karimu Street Juncture, Surulere.

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Ejike Nwabueze says:
2018-09-02 09:51:13
Am excited

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                          +234 (0) 8058082048

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